Carmen & Derek’s gorgeous spring Ottawa wedding!

Carmen and Derek’s beautiful spring wedding took place in May here in Ottawa. They are both beautiful people, their personal stories  filled my heart with warmth.It really was a special day for them and their families. I was surrounded by beautiful and kind people all day, and I am so honored to have been there to capture this special day of theirs.  I hope the photos will speak for themselves .

Here are a “few” selection of the many beautiful photos from their day!

Love you Carmen and Derek!

Please meet the lovely Godparents!


Carmen’s beautiful sister:-)

Carmen’s sweet Mom. My respect goes out to her for having raised such lovely and beautiful daughters!

With Derek!

And now Carmen and Derek  🙂 !

Derek’s Mom is a Gospel singer. She wrote a beautiful song for them  when she sang it we were all in tears. Very strong lady with the softest heart around!

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